The Best Christmas Joke Ever – Two Months Late

Two women are discussing Christmas and the first says “I can’t stand these supposed miracles.”

The second replies: “Oh, you mean the stuff about the Virgin Birth?”

“No, I’m all right with that. But Three Wise Men.


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6 thoughts on “The Best Christmas Joke Ever – Two Months Late

  1. Joan

    It took me a minute Jay to get the joke (I was always slow on the uptake) but when I did i loved it. Only wise man I ever knew was Joe Evans.

  2. Thomas Figel

    Jay, it was worth sending along. Thanks. I enjoyed the comments from Joan and Jim. I wonder how Jim knew the spelling from Judy Collins’ own telling of the joke. – Love, Tom

  3. S. Dot

    Jay, what about the Three Wise Women?

    If they had come, they would have … asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts, and there would have been peace on earth.

    Look up the poem, Wise Women Also Came, by Jan Richardson.

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