Sponge Bob in Vegas

In 1961, Connie Hawkins was expelled from the University of Iowa. He was not expelled for poor grades or misbehavior. Indeed, he had done nothing wrong but was the victim of a false rumor.

Hawkins was a freshman on a basketball scholarship and his name had surfaced in a college basketball “point shaving” gambling scheme centered in New York City where he lived. Hawkins was a well-known high school basketball star in New York City and that had earned him the scholarship at the University of Iowa. He adamantly denied involvement, a denial subsequently confirmed by independent investigators but too late. Indeed, even if he had wanted to “shave points,” it would’ve been impossible for him to do so since, in those years, a freshman could not play on the varsity team.

His expulsion effectively blackballed him from playing basketball for any college or university. The head of the National Basketball Association(NBA) piled on, saying he would not be allowed to play in the NBA.

Connie Hawkins was not only a good player but, by all accounts, may have been the greatest player of his generation. If Nike had been around in the 1960s, there might have been a shoe line known as the “Air Hawks,” a precursor to the “Air Jordans” of more recent times.

The intersection of gamblers and sports figures is concerning. Did Sonny Liston take a dive in the first round of his heavyweight championship fight with Muhammad Ali for the benefit of gamblers? Did Pete Rose take his foot off the gas pedal because he was betting on baseball games? No matter that Pete (Charlie Hustle) played as hard as always. Because of his gambling, he will never be admitted to the Baseball Hall of Fame where he belongs as one of the best players of the 20th century.

But 1961 is not only some 60 years ago, it is the Pleistocene age when compared to the present day. Back then, no one would have dared suggest that a professional sports team be located in a place such as Las Vegas.

The most recent version of the Super Bowl was played in Las Vegas. Las Vegas now has an NFL football team (Raiders), a WNBA basketball team (Aces), a NHL hockey team (Golden Knights) and it’s about to get a MLB baseball team (Athletics). The Commissioner of the National Basketball Association has just announced that Vegas is at the head of the queue for an NBA franchise when expansion occurs, and LeBron James has  indicated that he would like to be the owner of that franchise. What could possibly go wrong when professional athletes are in the gambling mecca of the United States?

You really have to wonder about a city whose motto is: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!” Most cities call attention to their museums, their restaurants, their historic sites, their waterfront and the like. Vegas calls attention to the “sins” that can be committed there and adopts a “see no evil, speak no evil” attitude. That’s not exactly a message that you want to give to your children or, for that matter, to almost anyone.

There are surely upright citizens in Vegas, but it clearly leads any location in the United States for the per capita number of gamblers, grifters, hookers, touts and con men. In short, it is a place where things can run amok.

I suppose we should have seen it coming. Anybody watching a televised professional sport in the last few years has been inundated with ads from gambling websites (FanDuel, DraftKings, MGM, Caesars, etc.). You not only can bet on the game you’re watching before it starts but you can make bets on the game as it is progressing. Who was in favor of this? Well, obviously the gambling companies but maybe, not so obviously, the professional sports leagues and the state governments which take a slice of the take. Maryland took in $6.5 million from sports betting in the month of December 2023 and expects to make not less than $40 million a year. Basically, everybody gets a piece of the action.

Things are so out of control that children are now encouraged to use their smart phones to place bets with the equivalent of Monopoly money. The National Football League (NFL) and Nickelodeon launched a kid’s site which has sport betting elements, www.legalsportsreport.com. Sponge Bob, the animated Nickelodeon character recognized by all kids, can now help to pick the winner of the Super Bowl. Presumably, once schooled, kids can then graduate to the real deal.

Well, is this the end of the Country as we know it? Probably not, but I am not comfortable when sports and gambling are so chummy. The genie may be out of the bottle, but the least that the professional sports leagues could do is pump the brakes every once in a while. For instance, get out of the business of hooking kids.

In the end, Connie Hawkins did play in the NBA and was a star. But he only succeeded by bringing a lawsuit against the NBA for its role in denying him the opportunity to play. The NBA relented when it was clear that its defense was going to fail, and it arranged a settlement which awarded Hawkins today’s equivalent of $10 million and the right to play. He had lost at least five good years because of the NBA’s intransigence but still he was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.

The NBA has now forgotten about its old objections as it readies entrance into the Vegas sweepstakes because that’s where the money is. The NFL is already there along with Nickelodeon.

Who knows but it may be a possibility that, in another 60 years, Sponge Bob is inducted into the Football Hall of Fame.

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7 thoughts on “Sponge Bob in Vegas

  1. Tom Figel

    Jay, how smart to contrast the Connie Hawkins banishment with the Sponge Bob present. This essay is very true and very enjoyable. I bet that. . . oh, never mind. – Love, Tom

  2. Donna Neill

    Interesting and troubling. We can not help but see all the TV ads for betting…followed on the next page of a newspaper an article bemoaning the number of young men between the ages of 25 and 35 who are now addicted to gambling.. Pathetic that children are the next marketing target. Shame on Nickelodeon.
    Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  3. Don Hynes

    Good to be asking the question Jay, especially bringing in Connie Hawkins who was a stand up player. Godfather II tells the story of the development of Vegas by the Mob. They laundered their powder money through legalized gambling. The gangs might change but the turf remains. The idea that sports “entertainments” are not influenced if not controlled by the powers behind Vegas is for me the stretch. Remember the great scene in “On the Waterfront” when Brando confronts his brother for making him take a dive when he “could have been a contender.” That’s sponge bob stuff compared to the Super Bowl played on the Corleone’s home field.

  4. morty mittenthal

    Jay, Interesting piece. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard or read that Bubba Smith was convinced (or knew for a fact, I’m not sure which) that the mob had gotten to QB Earl Morrall before Super Bowl 3 when the Colts were 18 point favorites. Apparently, it wasn’t about money for Morrall, but they had threatened his family if he didn’t make sure that the Colts either lost or won by less than 18. The way he played so poorly in the first half, especially not throwing to a wide open Jimmy Orr where the play was designed to go near the end of the first half which would easily have been a touchdown. Earl claimed he couldn’t see him because the Colt marching band was gathered behind the end zone wearing their blue uniforms, the same as the Colts.
    Bubba said that was B.S. Anyway, by the time the great Johnny U came into the game with a bad elbow, it was too late. And, even if he had been able to will the Colts to victory, they still wouldn’t have covered the spread. On a similar note, Baily Goss once spoke to the Lancers Boys Club (I was a member) and claimed that some NFL games were fixed. That was in 1964. It was clear that he had been drinking. So take that with a grain of salt, if you’d like!

  5. William A. Clark

    In the end it is the gutless politicians who have created this monster. In Maryland we crossed the Rubicon years ago with the State Lottery and have become addicted to easy money. The victims of our state sponsored gambling range up and down the socio economic spectrum and no one in office would ever think to stop. Now we add the state sponsored drug distribution to feed the monster. It’s a wonderful world but for how long.

  6. Jay Schwartz Post author

    Morty: this was a Super Bowl, where Joe Namath “guaranteed” a victory for the underdog jets. Maybe, Broadway Joe had the inside scoop since Earl Morrall threw three interceptions.

    I think it’s a fair bet at the gamblers that gotten to someone.

  7. Adwoa Boadi

    This just goes to show how we could never be able to overcome our sinful nature on our own. When a country offers free reign to the sins of the world with full accessibility, how can the tempted deny him/herself?

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