Home page


Blog is a truncated form of the phrase “weB LOG.”  A blog is an Internet journal for the blogger which, in this case, is me.

Why me?  Why not?  I have both the time and inclination; I am opinionated and, alternatively, either infuriated or delighted by the events of all of our lives.  Besides, only about 50% of my letters to the editor are published and I improve that to 100% on this website.

Do I have anything to say?  That will be for you to judge but I do know this:  I think I have as much to say as the “Talking Heads” that spout off on the TV each day whether the “spouting” is about politics (CNN, MSNBC, FOX), sports (ESPN) or any other event.

Am I infallible?  As far as I know that claim is made about only one person in the world and there is serious question about that claim.  I think Popes have only made two “infallible” pronouncements (both about the Virgin Mary) and they are not about anything that most people know or care about.

I fully expect to be routinely declared “fallible” by people who disagree with my opinions and those disagreements will be fully published.

The picture on this page is the Washington Monument in downtown Baltimore which was the first monument to George Washington in the nation.  For most of my professional career, I practiced law in a building a few feet from the park where the monument stands.

Being grounded in Baltimore gives me a firsthand look at a once great city now in the throes of decline and of all those fighting to make it great again.  To some degree, the American experience is one of re-creation which allows us to hope even when all appears lost.

All the tutorials on blogs suggest that the blog be limited to one subject (cooking, travel, politics, etc.).  The reason for this is that a blog with a specific audience is easier to “monetize” as advertisers will be drawn to a readership attuned to their products.  No worries on that score as no sane advertiser would waste money on this blog.

So, join the fray and invite others to do so as well.

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1 thought on “Home page

  1. Tom weyer

    Jay, Always enjoy your columns,even when I don’t agree. This one ..I’m totally in synch. The gambling thing is very disturbing. It’s gone from being illegal to overwhelmingly pervasive. The fun hobby of fantasy football was totally absorbed by gambling sites. The on line and ..on phone.. is awful. Imagine being an alcoholic, but having to carry a half pint in you pocket at all times. The tax revenue rationalization is a Trojan horse. If lottery revenue All went to schools..they would All look like Hogwarts. It’s a Very slippery slope. God bless..Tom Weyer

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